1/ in the SMTP transport, connect() uses $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] for the HELO. This fails miserably under CLI or CGI when run from the command line, because it isn't set to anything meaningful. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception' with message '501 5.5.2 invalid HELO' 2/ also in the SMTP transport, the sendMail() method accepts a $subject parameter, but this is unused. 3/ SMTP transport again; the communication timeout of 2 seconds is way too low. I suggest increasing it to at least 30. Some systems perform expensive processing that may require even longer timeout durations. 4/ Zend_Mail::_encodeHeader; needs to replace any '?' characters in $quotedValue with '=3F'. Otherwise, question marks in the header will break the encoding.